HPC cheats#


Monitoring jobs


Daily first-line randoms#

“hmm, how did I do that again?” For now, I will just throw these in here in a random fashion. Maybe categorize later …

Modifying / viewing jobs (‘scontrol’)#

Extend wall-time#

scontrol update jobId 12345 TimeLimit=4-00:00:00

Change –account for job in queue#

scontrol update jobid=<ID> account=<new acc> qos=<new acc>

Get job info#

scontrol show job <jobbid> --details | grep Nodes

Get node information:#

scontrol --oneliner show node <– one line per node. Remove this to get print over several lines.

How much memory has a job used ?#

sacct -j 2138531 --format=MaxRSS (SACCT)

Search for files for user in project#

  • find $USERWORK -type f -group $PROJECT

  • find $USERHOME -type f -group $PROJECT

  • lfs quota -g $PROJECT /cluster

  • rbh-du (robin hood -- can be delay)

  • lfs find /cluster/home/ -type f --group nn1234k (LUSTRE)

Test misbehaving software#

strace is useful for debugging. Example here with gaussian:

strace -f -e trace=%process,open,stat -o strace.log g16.ib \$input.com > \$input.out

Modules (lua)#

Custom modules#

You can do your own modules, say under HOME/my_modules. Then, you can make them available for module commands by running module use -a $HOME/my_modules.

Available modules#

module avail

The avail keyword can also be used to search for modules:

module avail libglu

Finding hidden modules#

module --show-hidden avail

Node cpu core/task#

Node –> CPU(s) –> Core(s)/tasks

  • A node is the physical box containing a computer

    • Has unique hostname and set of running processes

  • The motherboard in each node can have several sockets and thus a cpu chip in each sockeet

  • Each CPU has multiple cores

  • Node is a compute node (one computer)

  • CPU is a processor inside a node. There are 2 CPUS per node. This is also called a socket

  • Core is a processing unit inside a CPU. This differs for each system and you can check with the command freepe to get a list of all the variations and how much is free at a given time.

sbatch options#

  • –nodes: nodes/machines

  • –ntasks: MPI tasks or processes, equal to “cores” only when “cpus-per-task” is set to one

  • –cpus-per-tasks: number of cores per task/process

  • –mem-per-cpu: memory per core

  • –mem: memory per node

If a program accepts an option called -threads, it typically refers to shared memory (OpenMP etc) which relates to the –cpus-per-task option in sbatch.