cheats sheats

Geir Villy Isaksen#

Status quo: Research software engineer at NRIS - Norwegian research infrastructure services / UiT Self portrait of and by Geir Villy Isaksen

Hello world, my name is Geir. I have a Ph.D in molecular sciences/ computational chemistry. When I began my university studies back in 2005 I knew little about the “computational” part. When I first became familiar with molecular modeling and computer simulations, both my interests and my planned academic path started shifting.

After a bachelor's degree in chemistry, I ended up doing a Master's degree in chemistry/structural biology (2008-2010) as a 50/50 mix between experimental and theoretical work. I must however admit that I have not set foot in a wet-lab ever since. During my Ph.D (2010-2015) I focused on theoretical work and software development. After my Ph.D I did a post-doctoral period in Uppsala, Sweden, followed by several productive years as a senior researcher. My interests in coding, graphical design and software development was growing every year, and it, better late than never, came clear to me that this is what I really want to do.

Iteratively improving Self-taught skills I know (or used to know): HPC Python OOP Virtual environment Anaconda Conda Qt PyQt Bash CSS HTML Markdown Github Gitlab Git Tkinter Objective-C Javascript MAC OS Linux Stackoverflow Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator PERL FORTRAN SLURM Matplotlib C# SQL

Expertise & key skills#

  • Pioneering research and dissemination with publications in world leading journals such as Nature Reviews, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Accounts of Chemical Research

  • Recognized international partners, both theoretical and experimental, such as Professor Johan Åqvist and Professor Maria Selmer through the 5-year project “Evolution of new genes and proteins” with funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

  • More than 14 years of teaching experience as both course coordinator and lecturer. Has been responsible for own courses, subject plans, laboratory experiments, examination and grading.

  • Broad professional background ranging from experimental techniques such as X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry to theoretical methods such as empirical valence binding (EVB) and ab initio methods (QM).

  • Software developer (Python, PyQt, Tkinter, fortran, bash, objective-C) with, among others, the graphical user interface “Qgui”, which has users all over the world. Qgui is also used regularly in teaching context at both Uppsala University and the University of Tromsø.

Software development#



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QresFEP / Qgui 2.0#


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Web pages & graphical design#

Websites with HTML/CSS/JS have not been what I have spent the most time on throughout the years. But, besides the page that we are on right now, I have once upon a time also created and/or contributed to these sites:


I created this site more or less from scratch (html/css). It served online 2012 - 2013.

Brandsdal Group#

This is a site I made for my Ph.D supervisor’s research group in 2014 and maintained it up until around 2016. - View source @ github


All graphical design created by me - webpage created with WordPress

The Norwegian academic high-performance computing and storage services#

Joint collaboration between UiT, UiO, UiB, NTNU and UNINETT Sigma2 where I have contributed particularly to the the software / application documentation of Schrödinger
