In Linux we trust#

Some linux related commands I use from time to time…

File permission#

Change file permission with chmod

  • r (read) has a value of 4

  • w (write) has a value of 2

  • x (execute) has a value of 1

  • - No permission has value 0

The values are additive so that rw has the value 6 and rwx has the value 7.

  • There are 3 triplets:

    • -rw-r--r--

    • user (u) - group (g) - others (o)

Assign group(s) to files/directories#

Uing the command chgrp

 chgrp <groupname> <filename>

The group must exist prior to assigning it to files.

Change ownership#

chown <username> <file/directory>

Users & groups#

Create a new user#

useradd command

useradd username

By default this creates /home/username.

Set / change password#

passwd command

passwd username

Create new group#

groupadd command

groupadd <mynewgroup>

Add user to group#

usermod command

usermod -a -G <groupname> <username>


Uppercase -G assigns new secondary group

Lowercase -g primary group is assigned

Change / set primary group#

A user can be part of several groups, but one of the groups is always the primary, and the others secondary.

usermod -g <groupname> <username>

What group does a user have access to:#

Run the groups command

groups <username>

or view the numerical IDs for each group with the id command:

id <username>

Cron jobs …#

MD sphinx testing#

Code blocks:

for i in range(10):

Equation arrays:

\[\begin{split} \begin{eqnarray} y & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\ f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \end{eqnarray} \end{split}\]

A TODO list?:

  • something 1

  • something 2

  • Done 1

TODO list checkboxes are not displayed correctly in HTML created by sphinx…

MD emojis are not handled by sphinx!?#

This I find pretty weird to be honest…



And here’s a note with a colon fence!

:{notebook}: :notebook: {:notebook:} :::{notebook}:::

This text includes a smily face |:smile:| and a snake too! |:snake:|

Don’t you love it? |:heart_eyes:|