In an uncatalyzed reaction where only water surrounds the reacting fragments, it is clear that the surroundings need to reorganize their dipoles and electrostatic interactions in acoordance with the reaction coordinate for the reaction to proceed. Obviously, enzymes do not have randomly distributed dipoles as they are preorganized in some way from the folding process. It is becoming a more established undestanding that enzymes are preorganized in accordance with the reaction coordinate of the catalytic mechanism, and it was reported by Adamczyk et. al. that enzyme catalysis arises from electrostatic preorganization and not from conformational motions (11). If we do not take into account the actual binding and release of the substrate, this implies that, since the flexibility counteracts the activation free energies, a frozen enzyme reaction should result in lowering the activation free energies. A recent publication from Garcia-Meseguer et al. reported that the $S_N2$ enzyme catalyzed reaction would be significantly more difficult in a frozen protein environment in which the solvent coordinate remain unchanged from the reactant state (RS) to TS (14). This means that protein flexibility plays a role in catalysis and that the environment needs to be rearranged when going from RS to TS to reach maximum reduction in the activation free energy.
Enzyme flexibility is necessary for binding and release of substrates, but wetter or not this flexibility actually is required for optimal catalysis along the reaciton coordinate is still controversial. If enzymes are preorganized towards TS it is logical to think that flexibility has an unfavorable effect on $\Delta G^\ddagger$. Nevertheless, if some degree of reorganization is required for optimal reaction rates, it is clear from the above mentioned references, that this reorganization energy is significantly lower in enzymes compared to the uncatalyzed reaction in water. If enzymes are completely preorganized or if some degree of reorganization is required for optimal catalysis thus seem to be two fronting edges within this research field these days.
If you have any thoughts on this subject you are more than welcome to discuss it in the forum.
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